Best Cross Platform App Development Frameworks

Top Cross Platform App Development Frameworks in 2019

Let's learn about the top cross platform application development framework in details.

1. Ionic Framework

You can call it the most popular cross platform framework which is used by a number of mobile applications Development Company to create mobile applications. It is an open-source framework which is available for free and MIT holds its license.
Technologies like HTML, CSS in JavaScript are used in this framework, which is quite handy with developers. The mobile app development companies must hire a developer with acute knowledge of this technology.
This framework inherits certain elements from Android and IOS. The ionic framework also causes a major community to offer excellent support and developers can build a native application just like mobile.
mobile development frameworks
Its features include:
  • It can use a single code base
  • if it is combined with angular then it delivers incredible results
  • In order to develop the structure of the application, it can also use AngularJS
  • It provides a library of tools and components.

2. Xamarin

Owned by Microsoft, it is one of the major frameworks which works on write once run any model (WORA). It is an open-source platform which was launched to resolve the issues of the disjoined native technology stack.
This frame uses C# code hands; it can work on server platforms. When companies hire react native developer, they utilize this framework to extract the efficiencies and conduct its frequent upgrade.  
Another feature which can amaze you is that code written in this framework can easily be utilized for different platforms. It is based on .NET developers can also access to native APIs with NuGet package and Plug-ins. It has been estimated that around 10,000 companies are using this framework.
cross platform App Development
Its features include:
  • Developers use Windows and oldest platform to share the quotes
  • It can be tested over multiple devices with the help of cloud services
  • It also provides a cross platform application development tool for the interface

3. React Native

This cross platform framework was launched in the year 2013 by Facebook. The mobile application development companies can hire react native developer or hire a mobile app developer who can use JavaScript with this framework.
The designing of this framework enables the developer to utilize declared components to integrate the rich mobile UI. Developers also get access to features like accelerometer for the camera. 
This framework allows developers to preview their reserves and it also hosts code reusability. These features altogether shorten the development timeframe. React native framework also includes react that uses JavaScript to build the applications related to mobile and web.
mobile application development companies
Its features include:
  • It is an open-source development framework
  • Web development is easily supported by this framework
  • React native also has a support community
  • Codesharing is enhanced
  • Several plug-inside provided to the developers

4. Adobe PhoneGap or Apache Cordova

Adobe PhoneGap was previously known by the name Apache Cordova is a cross platform framework which is owned by Adobe. This framework utilizes HTML5, CSS and JavaScript for the development and allows the users to share the application which they are developing with the team so that they can get active feedback. 
In case the developer wants to build the application directly, then it also provides a cloud solution. It gives independence over convoluted text commands and access to the third-party tools and components. With the help of this mobile development framework, developers can view the change in dynamics easily. 
mobile application development companie
Its features include:
  • This framework can be used to develop the applications for various operating systems
  • With the help of plugin, developers can add more functions
  • This framework is devoid of any hardware restriction

5. Flutter

Owned by Google, Flutter is an open-source, cross platform application development framework. It was designed to develop the native interfaces for Android as well as iOS is comparatively lesser period.
Developers across the world use this framework as it can work over preexisting code as well. This framework can also utilize the 2D rendering engine to develop the visuals, like- Skia. 
Flutter app development company
Its features include:
  • Reduce testing effort
  • App development is comparatively faster
  • It is an incredible framework
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