Make an Amazing Shadow app-updater-alert-Dialog using android-studio

Hello everyone.. 

There could be many situations when you want that all of user to update their app or just stop using the old one. Then instead of sending push notification i will tell that how can you make a alert dialog in app if you upload any update...

so what we need?

So lets Start...

  1. First of all Save the latest version code of app in Firebase Remote Config Console. like given below:-

Now follow the given following steps:-

1. paste all the required dependencies for module:app given below..

2. paste all the required dependencies for project:app given below..

3.Now make an empty .xml activity named updater and paste given code.

4.Now paste given below code in

That's All for this post and  Thanks for visiting and thanks for your time if you have any suggestions and want to share any feed back then comment down below and if you face any issue then let me know in the comment section also share this with your friends.