Implement Firebase In-App Messaging service with updated dependency 2019

Hello everyone  I am here with a new post. In this post we will learn about how to add Firebase In-App Messaging service in your application this is a new way like there are so many tutorials available but this is new 2018 way with updated dependency so let’s start…

so what is the use of firebase In-App Messaging service?

Firebase In-App Messaging helps you engage users who are actively using your app by sending them targeted and contextual messages that nudge them to complete key in-app actions - like beating a game level, buying an item, or subscribing to content.

Now lets start the implementation:-

 But Actually....

For your convenience Here is a twistšŸ˜ƒ

 we don’t need to write any code for use this feature. We just need to add one dependency and boom! All the work will be done add the bellow line to the app level gradle file and sync the project.

 Now run your application and test in-app messaging...

Enjoy ...and if anybody has any doubt then comment below and share this....