Best Programming Websites for Beginners 2019

 Best Websites For Programmers


1. Codeacademy
Codeacademy is well known and reputable website for teaching programmers on how to code interactively. It provides a helpful interface as well as well structured courses and by visiting the site’s main page, already you can start testing the programming right there with the site’s motivating on-screen console as well as the interface. They offer these courses; PHP, Python, jQuery, Web Fundamentals, JavaScript, Ruby, APIs and much more.

2. believes in starting from scratch and is therefore apt for beginners. It starts with giving you a brief history about what you are going to learn, followed by basic concepts behind the programming segment one is going to deal with and then finally helps you strengthen your coding skills. Optimized for Android phones as well as iOS devices, the site has its ebooks available on both the Play Store and App Store. For a price, though.
3. Udacity
Udacity offers unified insightful video lecturers as well as improved quizzes to provide the interactive feel for students. If you don’t like to read but prefers getting explanations and information from industry professionals like Google employees then Udacity is your go-to site.

4. W3Schools 
W3schools is a popular website for learning web technologies online. Its content includes tutorials and references relating to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, AngularJS, SQL, Bootstrap, Node.js, jQuery, XQuery, AJAX, and XML. Thus making them receive more than 10 million unique visitors monthly.

5. Geeks for Geeks
Geeks for Geeks is simply an online journal where programming software engineers, yearning to land careers at huge tech companies interact. Here, programming geeks seek relevant answers to possible programming questions that may be asked during such interviews. Geeks for Geeks blog is a client submitted blog where developers who are still amateurs post their own interview encounters.